Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA)
The Privacy and Security Patient Medical Data
We, Swiss Medica XXI, hereby guarantee and warrant that we protect the privacy of individually identifiable health information of our patients.

This means that we take the responsibility to maintain the privacy and security of your health information from the moment this information is transferred from our patients to any representative of the Clinic via e-mail, telephone call, social network, messenger, personal visit or any other route of communication. Only the medical staff of the Clinic will be able to have access to that information in order to evaluate the patient's condition for his or her best benefit.

A patient herein refers to a person planning or considering treatment at any of the Swiss Medica Clinics, as well as a person undergoing treatment or having already received any medical services at one of the Swiss Medica Centers.

Health information includes images, test results, diagnosis, prescribed medications, performed procedures and other data that are stored electronically or on paper. This information shall not be disclosed without the consent of the person to whom it relates and belongs.

Patient personal information privacy and patient confidentiality, including medical reports, are protected by the Privacy Policy of Swiss Medica, the laws that govern the country in which the treatment is carried out or supposed to be carried out, as well as our internal guidance aimed at non-disclosure of personal information.

© 2011-2022 — "Swiss Medica"
Ugrinovacki put 16a, Belgrade, Serbia, 11283
Patients' feedback, articles, and testimonials provided on this site are for informational purposes only and should not be considered as a guaranteed result for every case of illness.

The treatment result depends on the disease, patient's condition, number of treatment procedures, etc.