We Help Kids With Autism Improve Their Condition Using innovative therapy
At Swiss Medica branch in Serbia, we help to improve the condition of children who experience difficulties with communication and interaction.
Our goal is to help parents raise happy children while also making these parents happier.
We've been able to achieve this by using innovative therapy, which has already helped many children worldwide to improve their condition significantly.
If you'd like to know the results you can expect from this cutting edge therapy
Kindly book a no-obligation online consultation with one of our doctors to find out the expected results, the duration, and the cost of the treatment.
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*Patients' feedback, articles, and testimonials provided on this site are for informational purposes only and should not be considered as a guaranteed result for every case of illness.
The treatment result depends on the disease, patient's condition, number of treatment procedures, etc.
Since 2011 we've been helping children with autism for from all over the world to improve their condition at this branch.
We've been able to achieve this through comprehensive treatment programs, including innovative therapy.
About Swiss Medica
Currently patients are not treated in the main office of Swiss Medica.
Switzerland, St. Gallen
St. Gallerstrasse, 23/25, Goldach, St. Gallen, Switzerland, 9403
Serbia, Belgrade
Ugrinovacki put 16a, Belgrade, Serbia, 11283
People come from all over the world
80% of the patients come to us due to treatment outcomes of their friends and acquaintances and recommendations from their doctors.
Here's How We Can Help
Based on your present condition, our doctors will assess whether you're a candidate for the therapy and will help you go over:
1. Whether innovative therapy will be effective in the specific case 2. What results to expect? 3. What the treatment involves 4. How much does it costs
Book a no-obligation consultation with one of our doctors.
Please note that there are limited spots left for consultation this month.
Patients' feedback, articles, and testimonials provided on this site are for informational purposes only and should not be considered as a guaranteed result for every case of illness.
The treatment result depends on the disease, patient's condition, number of treatment procedures, etc.