Thank you for your inquiry. A medical advisor will contact you via phone call soon to answer your questions.

In order to provide you with the best answers for your case, we may ask for your medical reports. Once we have received your information, the doctors will review the data and schedule a free online consultation to discuss expected results, what the treatment involves and its cost.

If you want to speak now, call us on:
+41 22 508 71 73

Also, you'll receive email newsletters with articles, videos, patients' stories and up-to-date information related to ASD treatment.
© 2011-2022 — "Swiss Medica"
Ugrinovacki put 16a, Belgrade, Serbia, 11283
Patients' feedback, articles, and testimonials provided on this site are for informational purposes only and should not be considered as a guaranteed result for every case of illness.

The treatment result depends on the disease, patient's condition, number of treatment procedures, etc.